Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Friday, February 22, 2008

Liz's Quiz

This quiz was made by my sister-in-law, Elizabeth Jane Mann. I'll play, too. Here goes:

What name did you wish you had when you were a kid?
One of my best friends had the name Quang. I was always sort of jealous of how the teachers couldn't pronounce it. Or his last name--Nguyen. Yeah, Nguyen would be a good one.

Would you rather go without brushing your teeth or wearing deodorant?
I'd probably go without the deo for the BO. I don't like cavities. At all.

In your opinion, what is your most annoying habit?
Sometimes I talk to myself when I'm doing homework (when I have to figure stuff out, like in physics or chemistry).

If bodysuits came back in style would you wear them?
Sign me up--I didn't get a turn the first time.

If you were offered $300,000 to relive high school would you do it?
I guess it depends on if I had to do it as a 23 year old. Probably not at that point, but if I went back in time and was that age again, then sure. High school was a good time. Better than junior high...

Would you rather live without a cellphone or the internet?
Probably without a phone. I don't really call that many people, but the free long distance is nice (especially living "long distance" from home). The internet, however, is extremely useful both for work, study and play. Plus, you can use Skype and have the phone on the internet.

What is one question you wish you could ask people but don't because it's not polite?
I generally ask anyways, but "how did it happen"/"can I see?"

Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?
Probably an arm. I like being able to move around on my legs, and I'm ok without a prosthetic. I could still play racquetball, which is what really matters. I mean, come on.

If you could only listen to one band or singer for the rest of your life, who would it be?
Jack Johnson or Ben Folds. Probably Jack Johnson so that the music would be rated G. :)

What do you do in the privacy of your home that you wouldn't do in public?
Poop. I hate pooping in public bathrooms. Sorry if that's TMI, but you asked.

Would you rather have a pretty face with a pudgy body or a so-so face with a perfect body?
Maybe a pretty face. I could always get my pudgy body into great shape. You can't do a whole lot with a so-so face. And you could lose that perfect body a lot easier that a pretty face.

In front of a large crowd would you rather sing or dance?
Sing. If I didn't have to be serious while doing it, I could probably even enjoy myself.

How often do you weigh yourself?
Far less than monthly. It's tough when there's not a weighing device around.


Lizzy said...

Elizabeth JANE? That's one I haven't heard. But I must admit, it's got a nice ring to it.

I'm excited to see you in your body suit. We'll have to get a group picture. All the girls and then you. Sweet!

Julie said...

Brad, you always make me laugh!

Maren said...

You have really deep thoughts about the perfect face/perfect body scenario. I might have to change my answer. Although, it's a whole lot harder than you think to get that perfect body by working at it!

And maybe it's okay that I don't visit you and Jess often. Between her tooting and you pooping, maybe I'll stick to communicating over the internet.

Bradwich said...

Tooting and pooping don't occur when others are around, even if we're at home--so you're safe if you do ever want to come visit. ;)