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- absent for the moment -

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Political News

Guess what everyone--Dell Schanze is running for governor. Dell who? Yes, that's right. Mr. Totally Awesome Computers guy. Superdell. Yup. That one.

We found out the good news last night when Jess received an automated phone call from Superdell himself. He's the Libertarian candidate on the ballot for governor this year, running against current governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. (the Republican candidate) and Bob Springmeyer (the Democratic candidate). He informed us in this phone call that he's the only true American running for office. I forget what he told us about Bob, but he sure did say a lot about "socialist Jon Huntsman" and how taxes have been raised exorbitantly during Huntsman's term in office, how he's in the wallets of the big corporations, etc. If Superdell were governor, he'd be different and fix everything. He told us that our cars would soon run on water instead of gasoline if he is governor. How could life get any better?

So after this fine message, we decided to check out his website. [To be fair, he has put up a new website since we were looking at his stuff last night. It's more professional than his blog.] It wasn't anything more than a link to his blog. So I read his most recent post and the comments on it. Wow. I don't know that I could even do it justice. You really oughta just go and read it for yourself. He seems really defensive and easily excited. So I've continued to study up on him, and it's been entertaining.

He's got some fairly strong feelings about the media. In fact, after he closed his company (Totally Awesome Computers) he blamed the media and said the following according to Deseret News: "It's too bad that all of the media in Utah are liars and murderers. You just destroyed the greatest computer company of all time. We were the best in the world, the world champion. All this hatred was created by you. You're basically angels of Satan. All I can say to the people in Utah is, please pray for all the news people." I guess he's not one to mince words. [Angels of Satan?? Whoa...]

I was looking on Youtube to see if I could find any of his old commercials to link to here in the post, but didn't have any luck. However, I did find some videos about paragliding when I searched him. Here's one. I read the information about the video (on the right hand side), and one thing caught my attention. "We would like to publicly thank Dell Schanze, a phenom[e]nal innovator for all the efforts put forth to create a safe and wonderful sport for generations to come." Cool, I thought. Who is giving him these glowing accolades? I clicked the username (imasuper0308... could it be?, I wondered) and discovered that the user's name is Dell. So who's we? Did he really just congratulate himself? That's Totally Awesome.


Jess said...

That Super Dell. Whatta guy.

Nancy and Spencer said...

I love it! After reading this post I started to look at SuperDell's blog. I don't think I have ever seen a funnier blog. He has truly developed an uncanny ability to use name-calling as his sole means of argument rebuttal--a classic logical fallacy known as ad hominem

Maren said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing. I need more humor in my life.

Did I ever tell you I'm a Libertarian?


Julie said...

I feel sorry for the guy. He definitely snapped a few years ago. His blob is definitely an entertaining read!