Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Monday, June 18, 2007

New Tentative Feature...

So I've decided to try out putting bands and/or albums that I'm listening to and deciding whether or not to keep them/get more of their stuff. My music library is ridiculously bloated with music that I don't know yet (thanks to a couple of music binges that I went on), and I want to get down to stuff that I actually know and like (and someday might buy the cd).

Leave a comment if there are any suggestions... If I decide that I like the list, I'll keep it. If not, it's gone.

I really should be in bed right now.


Jess said...

I like what you've added to your blog (especially the link to MY blog! Hooray!). But I don't have any suggestions on your music stuff... sorry.