Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Research paper

For my writing class, we've gotta write a research paper. I get to research whatever I want. Unfortunately, I have to choose the subject by Monday (and no, I didn't procrastinate this--we were informed yesterday). I don't really know what I want to research.

One thought I had was to start researching medical schools--try to find the ones that I would like to go to, what makes them good, and what it takes to get in. Two birds with one stone: find out good information that I need to eventually anyways AND get credit for it.

So here's my question: What other ideas do y'all have for my research paper? What should I write 8-10 pages on? What should I devote several hours to over then next few weeks?


K P said...

I think your idea to research medical schools is an excellent idea! It would be a great use of your time. You are a very wise man! :)

Maren said...

Brad, you are so smart! I like your research idea. Sounds boring, but you might as well use the deadline to your advantage and get something boring over with soon.

kelli said...

I also agree with the med schools idea. Killing two birds with one stone is always the way to go! Except killing isn't really a good thing... But really, why not? 2 things you'll end up having to do anyways! Save time, push button, receive bacon! What?

Jen Bowen said...

How much longer do you have before you need to start applying to medical schools? I guess I'll also join the list of people who think your topic is a good idea. It's definitely easier for me to get the motivation to research when I know the information isn't for purely academic purposes.