Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Friday, March 7, 2008


Wow--I've made it through the past week and a half. I had my doubts at a few different times, but I survived in one piece. I had three papers due and a 150 page book to read for one of them, a test for o-chem (with a couple of chapters of homework to catch up on), and a physics quiz. So my apologies that I haven't posted anything in a while. I've been a little overwhelmed. ;)

Life is still good, though--have no fear. I was particularly pleased when I got my test results back today for the ochem test and saw just how much Heavenly Father blessed me. We're talking "opened the windows of heaven and let the blessings pour out onto my exam in the testing center" here. So I'm grateful for that.

Tough decision of the moment: What to do about our little Corolla? It's got a knocking rod, so we haven't been driving it for three months. It'll probably cost about $2000 to replace the engine. After that, we don't know if the check engine light will turn off--it's been reporting problems with the catalytic converter/exhaust system. We've sunk about a grand in that, and another grand on a new clutch and tires. With the engine troubles it's having right now, though, it won't sell for what it would without them (obviously).

So here's the question--do we invest more in the car and hope all goes well so we can use the car for many years, or do we just try to sell it as is, take the hit, and look for another vehicle? What to do...

P.S. We fortunately still have a working vehicle. The Taurus is running fine, and even passed emissions and safety inspections. Holy moley! So the blessings are still coming, and we're grateful for them. :)


Maren said...

Car trouble is the worst! I'm sorry you have to deal with it. And I'm sorry I have no advice for you. Darin and I were a one-car family in college and it worked, but we always had to figure how to make it to work.

And congrats on the ochem test! I'm sure the blessings did pour out, but only because you worked so hard to deserve them!

When do you want to come for dinner? I'll call you!

Lizzy said...

Car problems are a problem. But, like Maureena, the Mann Fam was a single car fam all through college (the first FOUR YEARS of our marriage!). It was annoying at times but it worked out. But if you've already been sneaking thousands into the car, you might as well finish off the job, right? And then if it's still not working, you'll at least be able to sell it for more and take that money to the bank to put on another car. No reason to just sell now and lose money when you've already been putting thousands into it. Well, that's my two cents! Good luck!

kelli said...

Hooray! YOU posted again! :) I don't care WHAT you do with your stinking car, as long as you get it out of my parking space!! hahaha I'm just kiddin. I still lub you. But didn't you guys decide on something to do for it?

Julie said...

Saw your car tonight up on the blocks. I'm not sure what you should do about it, but I think Lizzy has some good points to consider.

Good job on the test! You are one smart cookie!

Jen Bowen said...

Good job on the tests. I know that I never would have gotten the grades I got in college without divine intervention. Yeah for prayer! Good luck with the car stuff. Problems like that are a big hit to the college student bank account. It was fun to see you and Jess tonight!

K P said...

Things will work out -- they always do! :) Love ya tons!

Congrats on your ochem test!

kelli said...

I'm bored again. Write more! :) Spank you.

Darin said...

Well, having sold cars for a little while, I still don't have advice for you either. Sounds like a gamble to invest more, but it may just pay off.

Way to go on your test! I don't envy you for having to take them.