Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Sunday, August 3, 2008


A couple weeks ago, Jess and I were discussing a difficult question. A difficult question that put to you seven readers of my blog in the form of a poll. Are spiders bugs?

A few days back, I got the results. The vote was close, but the "yes" folks had it 4-3. So my new question is "how do you figure?" Go ahead and explain your reasoning in the comments. Also, feel free to share any good spider stories that you have.

My argument: to me, "bug" is synonymous with "insect". Being a biology nerd, I was taught that an insect has six legs. A spider has eight, and is classified as an arachnid, not an insect. If I were to describe an area with many creepy-crawlies (think the small hole with the release lever in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom where the lady has to stick her hand in and pull the lever to keep Indy and Short Round from being squished and stabbed in the room with the lowering spiky ceiling) I would likely say that there were lots of bugs AND spiders. I wouldn't just say it was full of bugs. Besides, "bugs" doesn't sound very scary. I'm not really afraid of bugs. But I can be afraid of spiders.


Jess said...

Yes, insects are bugs. But that doesn't mean that all bugs are insects. To me, the term "bugs" encompasses most things creepy crawly. And are spiders not considered creepy and crawly?

kelli said...

Jess has my same reasoning. Creepy crawly. Bug. Spider. Yes.

Derrick said...

same here. bug is a more generic term than insect meaning: Any arthropod (excepting most crustaceans); includes insects, but also non-insects such as spiders and centipedes

K P said...

A rose by any other name... They're all icky whatever you want to call them. :)

Bradwich said...

I guess we found all four of the "yes" votes... :)

And Derrick's reasoning is the most convincing, though I still don't know if I agree. He pulled his info from Wikipedia; for all we know he may have typed it himself before he cited it. ;)

Derrick said...

you can check the edit log if you want. twasn't me.

Maren said...

Where was I when this whole discussion was going on?! I happen to agree with you, Brad. Spiders have 8 legs and are WAY scarier than, say, a grasshopper. Or a ladybug.

Spiders are in a class by themselves.

But I still love you, Jess.

Bradwich said...

Maren, did you ever vote while the poll was up? If not, that puts yes and no at a dead even 4-4 split!! Yesssssss.

Darin said...

I don't care what you call it as long as I understand what you mean. If I don't, it doesn't matter either.

Maren said...

Brad I never voted.

I'm glad I was the tie MAKER and not the tie BREAKER because I'm not about causing rifts between husbands and wives.

kelli said...

Lame, lame, lame.