Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I got tagged

7 things I can do...
Read fast
Talk loud
Laugh a lot, even at things other people don't find funny
Sweat like crazy
Make Jeopardy with Powerpoint for my Infection & Immunity class
Drive a stick-shift
Grow microbes

7 things I can't do...
Eat peanut butter
Eat fast (says Jess)
Understand Polish
Handle lots of heat (temperature)
Wrap my legs around my head
Shop for longer than half an hour (unless it's electronics)

7 things I always say...
"Awww yeah"
"Excuse me"
"daddy-o" (in reference to my father)

7 things I always eat...
Chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.
Sandwiches. I can eat anything in a sandwich. Minus peanut butter.
Chocolate. Seriously, I love it enough that it merits two spots in this list.
Leftovers. Jess usually won't touch them, so they fall to me.
Pizza. One of my favorite foods. I could probably eat it every day and not get sick of it.
Dollar menu items. The new double-stacker at Wendy's is a new favorite. Carl's Jr. has more "foody" food than Wendy's on the dollar menu (and in general), though.
Water. I love having a bottle of cold water on hand at all times. Mmm.

7 tags:
I don't think I even know seven people. How about these:
Merry Christmas
Happy Birthday
50% off
Size: M
Hand wash only


Lizzy said...

Sweet tags. That was good.

Julie said...

You make me laugh! I love your 7 tags. That's awesome!

kelli said...

Ohh, I love you :) 'Nuf said.

K P said...

I love everything about you!!! Your wit cracks me up!

Matt said...

I miss Carl's Junior. I miss the six dollar bacon guac burger. Oh, it is so good. I also miss you brad, but I would miss you more if you were standing holding a Carl's junior bag with an extra six dollar burger.