Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

First Post

Ok, so I caved and started a blog. I guess that this will probably be somewhat equivalent to an online journal for me, but probably minus some of the juicy details. Sorry if that's a letdown.

I finished up finals yesterday and found that I was really bored once I got home from campus. I spent most of the day lazing around, reading and watching 24. By the end of the day, I had decided that I wasn't going to let that happen to me again--I was going to be productive every day for the rest of the summer!

So today I got up, and first thing after showering, what do I do? Watch Heroes. Go figure--I guess that I'm addicted to a couple of tv shows. But for the rest of the day I was pretty darn productive. I even cleaned out the fridge, which hadn't been done since the day we moved in (and probably a couple months before that, even. Sick.).

Deep thoughts from today: I'm grateful for good friends, and the chance to talk to lots of people--and not just superficial conversations, either, but good, solid heart-to-heart talks. I've spent a lot of today in quality conversation, and even though it made me a little late for something I'd planned, I was ok with it. Now, if I could only actually figure out what I want to say before all my ideas fall out of my mouth in a jumble...

Expectations for this blog: don't have any. Whatever comes to mind will be put on here--hopefully sometimes it'll be good for a chuckle, and other times it'll be good for a "hmm" moment. We'll see.


Unknown said...

Hoorah for Bradwich!

Jess said...

YAY you caved!! Hooray for peer pressure! :)