Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Friday, April 27, 2007

Dwim, Jwight

So the best part about tonight's episode of the Office were the opening and closing segments. In the opening segment, Jim dressed up like Dwight and impersonated him--it was absolutely smashing! And then, surprise of all surprises, Dwight dressed up and acted like Jim at the end of the episode. I about wet myself!

Question: Which is the best kind of bear?
Well that's debatable...
False! Black bear.


As for other thoughts from the land of television, Heroes is finally back on a getting exciting. Too bad Isaac (the painter who sees the future) just allowed himself to die. Someone's gonna have to do something about Sylar before he kills pretty much everyone. And what does he do with their brains anyway??

Lost--pretty cool show, but last night's episode was a bit of a let down. Aside from the fact that we know who the father of Sun's baby is, not much else exciting happened (except that Naomi's alive. I wonder what her story is.) Next week is supposed to be about Locke, which means we'll finally get to see a little bit more of what I actually care about. And then, finally!, we get an episode about Ben and the DeGroots and everything!! Hopefully we'll finally get some answers.

Ok, so I watch too much tv. I don't really have a good excuse, either. But at least it only cost *punches in numbers on calculator watch* 11 dollars.