Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Arranging life

So summer's started, and as of right now, things are about the same as they were last summer. I'm working 20 hours a week... and that's all. Sounds great, right? Plenty of time to bum around, just like summer should be, right? Wrong.

Too much free time = bad news and boring. So what to do? Get another job? If so, doing what? Start working in a cancer research lab on campus? Possibly. I'm not quite sure.

Not helping things is the fact that today's been pretty crazy. Life is good, but it's even better when enjoyed on more than 5 1/2 hours of sleep. I'm excited for bed.

I've also been reflecting again on my shift from reclusive introvert to more extrovertedness. I love being with people now, where it used to be a sometimes painful experience. I think that it helps that I know so many cool people now--I'm pretty durn blessed.

Other big decision for the week: Moab trip this weekend. To go, or not to go? My roommate and his girlfriend are going, as well as a former roommate and his wife. Hooray for being 5th wheel! Guess we'll see as it approaches.


Jess said...

That's a lot to think over... Just remember the advice given by Elder Faust that you shouldn't take counsel from your fears.
So don't be afraid of being a 5th wheel... :)