Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

'Bout time, eh?

I found a new site on which to fritter my time away. It's called Goodreads, and is a great way to keep track of books read, reading, and to read. You can read reviews about books and write your own. Hopefully it will be a good source to find new things to read (granted, that shouldn't be much of a problem for the near future, as evidenced by my book queue).

In other news, we're going to California on Saturday, and will be spending three days next week at Disneyland. Needless to say, Jess and I are pretty excited. We're preparing Disney soundtracks to listen to on the way there, as well as a lot of comedy stuff by Bill Cosby. We also picked up some books on CD from the library--Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales and Truman Madsen's Presidents of the Church. We'll see what else we take to listen to.

We had a fun Memorial Day weekend with the family up at the condo in Midway. It was sure nice to just relax and take it easy. We saw the new Indiana Jones movie (more to come on that), went swimming, and looked at some expensive houses. It's been sort of hard to get back to normal life this week, but we have an escape in less than five days... :)


Jess said...

Glad to have you back on the blogging bandwagon. I've missed you.

Jen Bowen said...

If you're looking for more books to listen to Derrick and I like using the website It's got recordings of a ton of books that are in the public domain. We've put several on Derrick's iPod to listen to on car trips. There are a ton of the classics on there. The one downside is that the books are read by volunteers so the quality of the reading is sometimes bad. (It depends on the book). It was funny listening to the guy reading "Around the World in 80 Days" pronounce the word "Sioux" as "see-ox". Yikes. Have a fun trip!

K P said...

A friend told me about another site called Shelfari that also keeps track of books read, etc. That's an interesting idea for a website.

We're so glad you and Jess were able to join us over the weekend. You guys are a lot of fun to be with!

Hope you and Jess have a safe and fun trip. Be careful. Love ya lots!