A picture is worth a thousand words, and these are very sad words. See the two arrows? Those parts should be connected, but they're not. Also, you can see our lovely green floral print chair in the bottom of the photo. On a brighter note, I won two games with broken strings tonight, and it's the first time that I've ever busted strings--makes me feel manly. Manly and sad.
Song of the Moment
- absent for the moment -
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sad day.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and these are very sad words. See the two arrows? Those parts should be connected, but they're not. Also, you can see our lovely green floral print chair in the bottom of the photo. On a brighter note, I won two games with broken strings tonight, and it's the first time that I've ever busted strings--makes me feel manly. Manly and sad.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Christmas Beard 2008
Here it is, two-and-a-half glorious weeks worth of beardage. And the tragic end.
Probably the weirdest thing I tried. And it looks like I'm trying to look hard. 'Sup.
Who doesn't love a good mustache (more mustache pictures to come...)?
My best Charlie Chaplin impression. Notice the lack of any (colored) hair directly beneath my nose. That's probably my weakest "growing spot."
So sad.
But this is why it's worth it. :)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Nobody ever seen him again... He got eaten.
How's that for weirdness? I made a post about the songs of the moment and even received two comments on it. And then I checked my blog today and it's all gone. Like it never even happened. Anyone else have something like that happen on their blog?
Bonus points for the title reference.
Bonus points for the title reference.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Soylent Heat
I read an interesting tidbit yesterday. Apparently there is a town in Sweden where they are going to use heat from a crematorium to help heat the town. My first feeling about it was shock and little bit of disgust, but the more I think of it the better an idea it sounds. Since people are going to be cremated anyways, you may as well harness some of the energy that comes from it.
That does not entail tossing limbs into your home fireplace instead of logs. That's just plain creepy.
That does not entail tossing limbs into your home fireplace instead of logs. That's just plain creepy.