A picture is worth a thousand words, and these are very sad words. See the two arrows? Those parts should be connected, but they're not. Also, you can see our lovely green floral print chair in the bottom of the photo. On a brighter note, I won two games with broken strings tonight, and it's the first time that I've ever busted strings--makes me feel manly. Manly and sad.
Song of the Moment
- absent for the moment -
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Sad day.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and these are very sad words. See the two arrows? Those parts should be connected, but they're not. Also, you can see our lovely green floral print chair in the bottom of the photo. On a brighter note, I won two games with broken strings tonight, and it's the first time that I've ever busted strings--makes me feel manly. Manly and sad.
Sad day, indeed. But at least you are manly.
Yes, at least you are, Manly. Are what?
The first time I tried to post this comment, the little letters I'm supposed to type in were missing, replaced by the words "visual verification." So I typed that in, but it didn't like it. ha ha
Take 2.
Sniffle, Sniffle. I'm sorry man. You can borrow mine.
Awe, the lovely green floral print chair (and table) look very familar! If you need the other two chairs, they are in my basement as well as two table leaves. When Paul and Mandy took them, they only wanted 4 chairs and no leaves.
That is very sad indeed! Lots of fun times with that racket I bet!
it should actually be viewed as a terrific day, you are now able to hit hard enough to break strings! if those are the stock strings i'm surprised they lasted that long. we should play sometime, i'm getting rusty. - Matt
Matt, they're not stock--a couple years ago I had the racquet restrung just because the strings were really loose. But I agree. I could use a good whooping.
Yay! You got your racket restrung today! I'm so happy for you!
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