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- absent for the moment -

Friday, January 2, 2009

Soylent Heat

I read an interesting tidbit yesterday. Apparently there is a town in Sweden where they are going to use heat from a crematorium to help heat the town. My first feeling about it was shock and little bit of disgust, but the more I think of it the better an idea it sounds. Since people are going to be cremated anyways, you may as well harness some of the energy that comes from it.

That does not entail tossing limbs into your home fireplace instead of logs. That's just plain creepy.


Nancy and Spencer said...

I think it is important to mention that the bodies aren't the fuel for the fire--it takes more energy to cremate a body than it gives off. So putting a limb on the fire would be both a creepy and ineffective way to heat your home.

Jess said...

Well said, Spencer (or Nancy...)

Nancy and Spencer said...

That was Spencer... I'm just sitting with my stomach turning at the thought of being warmed that way... eew and shudder!