Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Monday, July 6, 2009

Application is in!

Today is momentous: I finally finished my med school primary application. This thing a beast and has taken me about a month to fill out. One of the worst parts was inputting every college class I have ever taken, one at a time. And I have to send them my transcript. So why do I have to put the info in manually? I dunno.

Anywho, it's finished. I submitted it this afternoon, and it feels really good to be done. Here's the list of schools I applied to: (drumroll, please)

Stanford (CA)
Ohio State
Duke (NC)
Johns Hopkins (Baltimore, MA)

Texas schools have their own, separate application (do they seriously still want to be their own country or something?). I'm currently thinking about applying to three of their eight schools, but 1. feel too lazy to basically fill out the same long thing again, 2. don't have any particularly strong reason to apply to Texas, and 3. each application costs money, and I'm pretty happy with my current list.

Any thoughts? Can anyone convince me to apply to Texas? Any other schools I should have included in my list? Why? Should I be avoiding any of the schools that I did apply to? If so, why?

And the waiting game commences...


Lizzy said...

I hope you get into Utah, of course. But if not here, I hope you go to Oregon. It's an excellent state to attend graduate schools, in my opinion.

Nancy and Spencer said...

I have no particular love of Texas that urges me to convince you to apply there. But I do know some nice perks about it: Housing in Texas is cheap. The people are really friendly. We have some friends there at med school in Lubbock, they love it. Of course, I hope you go to Maryland... cuz its 2hrs and 35 mins from us (I checked) for weekend visits and holiday fun! But i'd be happy for you to go to the west coast. It's nice there. :)

Julie said...

I think it looks like a great list! You will definitely get accepted somewhere. It would be nice for you to stay in Utah, but the experiences you would have outside Utah would be invaluable too. If you go outside of Utah, it would be nice to be someplace not too far from family such as Colorado, Maryland, etc. Love you!

ldsjaneite said...

What?! No EVMS?!?!? Actually, I don't know if it's a great school or not. (Though my former RS president just finished her 4th year there, and John M. and I were talking of it last night.) I just know it's right where I am, and I'd love to have you both nearby!

Maureena said...

You'll get accepted to Johns Hopkins, mark my word. And Stanford.

Texas has tarantulas.

Stay in Utah.