Alonzo Gaskill, my World Religions professor, asked us a question yesterday in class and it has caused me to think and think and think (a sign of a good question, I think, but that's a post for another day). Here it is:
Does God want every mortal to be a "Mormon"?
Wow... We discussed it as a class for a bit, and the answer we came up with was that no, God doesn't want every
mortal to be a "Mormon". Some people wouldn't be able to do the good that they do/have done if they were members of the Church. Take Mother Teresa, for instance (Bro. Gaskill's own example). Could she have done so much good for so many people as Relief Society President of the Provo 138th ward? Probably not.
So this got me thinking. Why have the church, then? If God isn't going to allow us into heaven based on our "Mormon-ness" :), but rather on how we've accepted Jesus Christ and lived his commandments as best we can, why does it matter to have the true church anyways?
Quick side-note: My testimony is not shaken at all--have no fear. :) I'm not having doubts about it, I know that the Church is true and that we need it, but I was trying to think about why.
Jess and I went to the temple yesterday, and while I was waiting I grabbed a triple combination and decided to read in D&C. I chose section 109 because we were in the temple, and that section contains the dedicatory prayer for the Kirtland temple. I figured it would make an appropriate read. Only a few verses in, WHAM!, one of the scriptures really stood out to me. I felt like it was an answer to my questioning and thoughts throughout the day.
V.4 states that in Jesus Christ's name alone "can salvation be administered to the children of men." Bingo. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints won't save us. The Gospel of Jesus Christ will. Parts of the gospel are independent of the church (though benefited by it): our character, our relationships with others, etc. Other parts are not, for the following reason. One of the first principles and ordinances of the gospel is baptism by immersion for the remission of sins (AoF 4). That baptism
must be by the proper authority. That authority is only found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There was the connection!
The Church is the legal executor (in the sense of law, not like the guy with a black mask who cuts off people's heads--that's "executioner") of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the only place where the gospel is had in its fulness. Yes, other religions contain truth. That's why Pres. Hinckley has invited everyone to come and bring the good that they have and see what more we can offer them. We also have the advantage of a prophet who communicates directly with God and lets us know how we can live the gospel better. We know more of what God wants from us. We have priesthood blessings, the temple, the Book of Mormon and other modern revelation. It's awesome!
But it's ok that not everyone is going to join the church. We still need to love and respect them and be their friends. And help them get closer to God which may mean that we help them live their religion better, even if it's not ours. God still loves them. Just as much as he loves us. I feel like it's our job to live our religion and do it well--if we hold up Christ as the light, people will see it and may ask for what we have. But we won't force it down their throats.
I recognize that some of these thoughts may be a little controversial. I know I've done a lot of thinking over the past day or two about it. But I don't think that thinking is bad (maybe shouldn't have used the same word so close to itself...). I'm grateful for the church and the light that we have.
Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Do you agree or disagree? Let me know!