Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Weekend of New Experiences

I tried a few new things this weekend. On Saturday morning, I had my first experience with yoga. While I agree with Brian Regan about some of the things he says from what I've seen of it ("now take your leg, and throw it around your neck like a scarf"), it turns out that the beginner stuff is not so bad.

Mostly yoga is about stretching and breathing. I can do both of those. So Jess and I followed along with a DVD that she's got (Yoga for Dummies). And it was nice. My body felt good, and I felt like it was a good experience. Then my muscles had their say this morning. I think that I used some muscles in my back that I hadn't in quite some time, and they let me know. I was surprised that just stretching could cause some soreness. But that's not going to stop me from doing it again tomorrow night--hello FHE activity!

Another new thing this afternoon was parsnips. They sound like scissors, but they're more like carrots. White carrots. That taste pretty darn good when fried in butter and have some seasoned salt on them. Mostly because anything tastes good when fried. I don't know that I would like them as much if they were just cooked, but we can find that out later. The important thing is that I ate healthy.

One other thing, not so related, is that I have to write a personal narrative or essay by Wednesday. I was trying to think of experiences or stories from my life that could fill up 4-6 pages (double-spaced). Any ideas?


Jess said...

I find it amusing that both of these "new experiences" are somewhat healthy experiences(minus the part where the parsnips were fried in butter). :)

K P said...

Way to go Brad! Yoga and are definitely branching out. :)

Some experiences you might include in your personal narrative: your miraculous survival at birth; growing up with an uncle 5 years your elder and your amazing adventures; you and Mandy hiding under Kelli's bed with a recorder while she was singing (and other sibling stories;) camping excursions and road trips (your near death experience - Brent H. saved your life) (camping with the deer and skunks roaming freely); scouting experiences and near misses; your mission; life with your eternal sweetheart...

It may be hard to keep it to just 4 to 6 pages. Make sure you save a copy -- your personal history. Love ya!!!