Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Seeking truth

I read the first assignment for my Survey of World Religions class, and I have to say that I'm pretty pumped about the class. It might end up being a lot more work than other religion classes have been in the past, but it will also be a lot of new, exciting information.

The first chapter of the book talks about why we should even bother studying other religions. Some might ask, "if we've got the restored gospel, what need have we of looking elsewhere?" It helps us to be better prepared to share the gospel with them--Ammon-to-King-Lamoni-style. It also helps us better understand others so that we can love and respect them more. It gives us an idea about why they might do some of the things they do.

But the biggest thing that I got from it, or the main reason to study other religions, is that we can find truth in the things that others believe, and then apply it to ourselves to help us in our journey towards perfection. I look forward to finding the good in others and discovering how I can make it a part of myself.


Maren said...

Another benefit: you might get to see a Buddist temple. That's unreal!

Bradwich said...

There's a term for what I mentioned there towards the end--it's "Holy Envy". Good stuff.

K P said...

Way to be! Love you son!!!

Unknown said...

One oft overlooked but important reason to learn about other religions, however controversial, is that we would be terribly hypocritical to insist that others take us seriously and then blow them off as spiritual infants.

So the tough the onus on us (onus on it) to investigate other religions like we sometimes-kindly demand they do of ours? Why or why not?

Bradwich said...

Eric, great wordplay.

And I would submit that yes, we should investigate other religions. My professor cited the scripture in D&C about "learn about [everything]" (what is on the earth, in the earth, history, etc).

It seems like it might be hypocritical of us to demand that other people look into our religion without being willing to do the same to theirs. While we're at it, why not take some of the good stuff that they're doing and do it ourselves?

I think that if we have a firm testimony, learning about other religions should never shake it. Instead we will grow to appreciate the truths that we know, the truths that those other religions contain, and the fact that we're all children of God trying to make it through life the best that we can.