Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm not contrary.... Oh.

When I was in Bolivia on my mission, the lady who cooked lunch for us said to me: "Elder, usted es muy contrario." This translates to: "Elder, you are very contrary" (but it doesn't rhyme in Spanish). Just last night, I came to the realization that I haven't changed much in that respect in the past 3 1/2 years (side note: can't believe it's been that long already). I mentioned this to Jess last night, and she just sort of laughed at me and said "yep." We discussed my contrariness for a few minutes, which helped me understand my standard reaction to so many things.

I think a lot. I analyze things. Probably too much. I find that a lot of issues have multiple facets, and that makes it harder to make snap judgments. Because of this I tend to want others to see these other facets, and my subconscious method for doing this is to play devil's advocate. I don't always espouse the idea that I present--mostly I just want the person that I'm talking with to think about it. Have they considered this aspect of what they are talking about? If they have, great! I'm not looking to argue, just to show that things might be more complicated than initially realized. I actually don't like contention--I just like to explore ideas.

So what's the bottom line? Two things: 1. If I have ever offended you because I came across as argumentative or disagreeable, that was not my intention. I apologize. Hopefully what I have written here will help you understand what is going on inside my head. 2. Finding character defects is kind of a painful process. However, recognition is one of the first steps towards fixing a problem. I still think that thinking things through is good, but maybe I just need to be more careful in how I present the things that I've thought about. I need to harness this power for good instead of evil. :) Any ideas on how to do that? Did any of this make any sense?


Darin said...

I also think alot about things and am also quite contrary. On the one hand is an ideal and the other is what is real. In the balance is my contradiction. I recently rented a movie called Hellboy because of a family member's recommendation. It was a contradiction about me because it contained many of the things I prefer to avoid. The world has realities and unknowns that are not always in line with our ideals. We put up with some of them but wish for better outcomes and yet realize that the world is not and eden. I wouldn't recommend the movie nor would I buy it. It does have its place and deserves to be on the shelves of the video store.

Unknown said...

I'll admit, I'm often described the same way. I find that being explicit with people about your intentions while disagreeing helps. I don't know if it solves the problem, but it helps with misunderstandings...

Julie said...

I think it makes you who you are and you shouldn't try to change anything about yourself as far as that goes because you are wonderful! You help people see a different perspective and I think that is a good trait to have as you pursue a career in medicine. You also have a great sense of humor and always make me laugh. Love you!

Lil Bubbaz said...

Different is good. An approach that works for me is to say, "I like your idea, but what if..." Then again, I'm only 20 months old so what do I know? :) And how does your garden grow?