Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Orientation: Complete

This week I officially began my journey to become a doctor.  Orientation ran from Monday until today, and while med school orientation may seem like a really exciting thing, it turns out that it's really not much different from any other orientation / beginning of college or high school classes.  Yup, you sit on your duff for several hours each day, learning about policies and procedures.  Including the amazingly complicated academic status colors (at least 20 minutes on this stuff--it should have been more like 5: "Green is good.  We'll email you if it changes, look to see what the change is and what we need to do about it." Was that so hard?).

Fortunately my expectations of hundreds of inane, too-specific (that is NOT B-roll) questions asked by former pre-med students went unfulfilled.  It was the pre-med part that worried me (because pre-med students in general are anal), but the "former" part that saved the day.  This was good.

My whining aside, I'm pretty excited for what's ahead.  I've met a lot of great people, and this should be a great class to study and have fun with.  Anatomy begins on Monday, and in order to learn about the human body, we have the privilege of taking one apart.  Pretty awesome.  More to come on that next Wednesday.
Monday afternoon was the White Coat ceremony, probably one of the cooler moments of the week.  I'll probably post about that on Sunday.

And I got a parking ticket today... even though I followed the instructions for parking given to me by the orientation committee.  It's $50, so it's more than I can just shrug off.  I will appeal it tomorrow.  Keep your fingers crossed, gang.


Julie said...

Awesome! Did you take any photos of the white coat ceremony? Please no pictures of the anatomy class! Ha,ha,ha.

Bradwich said...

Jess did, and they will be posted on Sunday.

kelli said...

hah! Lame. You go appeal that ticket. If it doesn't pan out, let me know and I'll fly out their and kick their Parking Official butts