Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Monday, November 17, 2008

Ben Folds SoM

The new song of the moment is You Don't Know Me by Ben Folds. This comes from his most recent album, Way to Normal, and Regina Spektor joins him on this song. I'll be honest, it took me a couple of listens to enjoy it (because it's kinda different from some of his previous stuff), but now I really like it quite well.

As I was listening to NPR on the way to school this morning, someone gave a review of the album (and sort of Folds in general), which has led to this song receiving the coveted title of Song of the Moment. As a warning, the CD version drops the F-bomb (unfortunately, would it be Ben Folds without a little potty language?). I have edited that out for our listening convenience. At some future point I think I may have a "Best of Ben" post where I share some of my favorite songs of his. We'll see.

Also interesting, my SIL posted about this very song a couple of weeks back. We don't always have congruent taste in music, so it's nice to have a song that we both like a lot. Even if she thinks he sounds like Kermit the Frog...


Jess said...

Such a catchy song. I sure like that Kermit... er, uh... I mean... Ben Folds...

kelli said...

I love this song! Minus the swearing of course. But with your conveniently edited version, it can be enjoyed over and over again--guiltless pleasure!

Nathan said...

Brad, I don't know where else to leave this, but I love you. Thanks for the music player... playa?

Jeanette said...

i have loved this song for months! love it, love it!