Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Glad it was just a dream

Two nights ago I had a dream. It wasn't really a nightmare, per se, but I was sure glad that it wasn't for real. On the front right-hand side of my neck I have a dry patch. It has been there for a few weeks, but it's nothing serious and putting lotion on it helps. (No Kelli, it really isn't a hickey...)

In my dream I looked in the mirror and saw something else on my neck instead. I had one of these:

For the uninitiated, that is a cutaneous anthrax lesion, meaning that the person has an anthrax infection in skin. Now, this isn't life-threatening, but it sure had a strong effect on me. I kept on checking my neck once I woke up, and continued thinking about it during the day. Sure glad that it's just a dry patch. Maybe I had to study too much for my Infection & Immunity class? You be the judge...


ldsjaneite said...

Ug, that is gross. I'm glad you don't have that. Ick!

Maren said...

I think school has finally pushed you over the edge.

I'm sorry.

Julie said...

Oh, that's disgusting! I'm glad that's not a picture of you!