Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Some Christmas songs of the moment

The two that are up right now are a couple of my current favorites. They both happen to be by the same band--Barenaked Ladies, or BNL. Now, before anyone takes offense, there is not a single woman in the band, nor do they sing about anything inappropriate, nor do they do anything naked. They invented the name as a joke while at a Bob Dylan concert. They are one of my favorite bands, and I invite you to give them a listen. Most of their stuff is very light-hearted pop/rock.

That being said, the first song features Michael Buble and the second features Sarah McLaughlin. Good stuff, and they get stuck in my head frequently at this time of year.


Bradwich said...

Sorry, technical difficulties with the songs of the moment at the moment. I'll fiddle more with it later.

Maren said...

I love BNL! And I love the Elf song!

Bradwich said...

Songs are now operational.