Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday, friends.  It's been a good day--church, 3 hour nap, and a yummy dinner with friends (more to come on that).  I leave you with this as I go to bed and get ready for another exam week.  It more or less approximates what I looked like when I started dating Jess.



kelli said...

HA HA! I looove it!

And look forward to reading about dinner with friends. I like friends.

Mandy said...

BAH ha.

Mandy said...

This is essentially the same comment I left on the Inception post. Lame.
Here's my new comment:

"Oh man! That is SO funny. I wish my dog could pull a face like that."

Hmm. That was lame too.

Bradwich said...

However, the idea of Moose pulling that face is very NOT lame.

Yogi said...

prettiest dog I´ve ever seen! (not ironically I just love the bulldog)

Convenient Clarity said...

It's very admiring. But I can't shake the comparison of my nonaand this dog