Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

As promised...

Here's some more media review, because I have a few minutes.

Penelope: Sweet little movie starring Christina Ricci (I don't know that I've seen her in anything since Casper). She suffers from the family curse (to be hideously ugly) and needs to be loved/married by one of her own kind. So her folks try to get her married and don't have a lot of luck. Things get interesting when a new guy (James McAvoy) is brought into the mix. Catherine O'Hara does a great job as Penelope's mom, and Reese Witherspoon even pops up. I thought the movie was funny and had a good message. I even daresay I recommend it.

Deathtrap: This movie stars Michael Caine and Christopher Reeves. It was made in the early 80's and is an adaptation of a play. Here's the rundown--Michael Caine is a washed-up playwright glory days are far behind him. His last five plays flopped hard, and he's desperate for another success. One of his former students (Reeves) writes a play that is flawless, and Caine is willing to kill him for it. The movie is full of twists and turns (and I mean FULL of them). Some are awkward. Overall, though the play had its funny moments, both Jess and I were disappointed and probably won't ever watch it again. I don't recommend it at all.

The Watcher in the Woods: We watched this one last night. Oh, the 80's. This one was made by Disney and is kind of a "scary" movie. At this point, I'm getting lazy in the synopsis department, so I'll just send you off to IMDB. We picked it up from the library for sentimental reasons for Jess. I thought it was ok, but might be kinda creepy for little ones. The movie doesn't make much sense, though, so don't keep your expectations too high. One of the funniest things was watching the alternate endings... wow. Let's just say that special effects have come a long way in 30 years.

Cyrano de Bergerac: I didn't really enjoy reading this play in my sophomore year of high school, but I loved it this time! Witty and touching, it definitely qualifies as great literature. And it's short (for those who like those kind of books).

Also fun: we hit DI tonight, and I discovered their books section. Wow. I ended up coming home with Jurassic Park and The Hunt for Red October. And they were only a dollar each. Sweet! (Btw, Jess came home with a book called "Your Pregnancy Week by Week" [infer what you will ;)], and a pair of shoes and capris.)

That is all.


Jess said...

Bradley, maybe we should have a talk about how what happens in DI stays in DI... :)

I would also recommend Penelope. So cute!

Bradwich said...

DI is ALMOST as fun as Las Vegas.

Nick said...

I'm cracking up!

Jen Bowen said...

This is a great post and I really like the comments :). Yeah for playful banter...and DI.

Julie said...

So is a congratulations in order? I hope so.

Lizzy said...

What. Why is Jess buying pregnancy books? Chris having another one?

Maren said...

Forget Jess. Brad, why would you want to buy Jurassic Park? Seriously.

Bradwich said...

Maren, have you read it? Why do you question my budget purchase?

Maren said...

I confess I haven't read it. But I watched the movie with my kids. Books are usually better than movies....

Okay, fine. Go ahead and spend your pennies how you choose.

Have YOU read it?

Bradwich said...

Hmm, Jess said she didn't like the movie either. Because it's about dinosaurs. How could you not like a movie about dinosaurs?? I guess by being a girl... :)

Yes, I've read it, though it's been a long time since then. I'll read it again sometime soon, probably, and if it's not that good, I can always give it back to DI. :)

Maren said...

That way the good ole DI can make double the money off of the same thing! That's got to make you feel good.

I've actually done that...