Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Monday, April 7, 2008


One would think that after seven or so months of marriage that I would know my wifey pretty well. Turns out that's not the case. I recently discovered that Jess loves Super Mario World, an older game for the Super Nintendo. In one sitting, we played for something like an hour and a half. She's good! And she got so into it that I couldn't help but sit back and laugh. All told, it was a tender bonding moment for us. Video games bring families together.


Jess said...

I'm just trying to keep you on your toes! :)

Lizzy said...

You guys have super mario world? I will be coming over sometime soon.

Maren said...

Same here..

(Don't tell the boys..)

Mandy said...

LOOOOVE it! (Think back to the dragon tale days).

Nick said...

So I listened to a little Mr. Pitiful from Matt Costa. Sorta sounds like a mix of the Beatles' "Oblahdee" and ELO's "Mr. Blue Sky." Kinda catchy.