Song of the Moment

- absent for the moment -

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Media Review and a few other thoughts

It's been a good, busy, productive week. Jess graduated with her Bachelor's degree (wahoo and congratulations!!). I'm very proud of her. I'll be following in her footsteps... in about 2 years. We finished up finals on Wednesday, and it's nice to have a little break. We're hoping to do a little vacationing before the end of June, because I'll probably be taking classes then.

I just finished Leviticus in the Old Testament, and to be honest, it wasn't the most uplifting of books in the scriptures. I did learn some good things from it, and was also impressed by how important doing things the right way is. If the Lord specifies how he wants things done, then we need to do it his way. And that's all there is. No ifs, ands, or buts. Or butts. :) On to Numbers (really only the first part is boring--the census. After that there are some really good stories).

Last Tuesday we went and saw the Spiderwick Chronicles at the dollar theater with Alan and Lindsay. I had a blast and really enjoyed the movie. I found it fun and engaging, and surprisingly intense. Freddy Highmore did a great job playing two different characters. It's sort of billed as a kids movie, but you might want to preview it before taking your kids. Yeah, it was that intense. It made me think of Jurassic Park, minus the bloody, dinosaurs-eating-people parts. Here's the rundown: these kids find a book after moving in to their great-uncle's old house. It contains information about the magical creatures all around. The bad guy (an ogre) wants to get his hands on the book so that he can find and kill all of the other creatures. It's up to the kids to figure out how to defeat the ogre. Good times.

Others media to be reviewed soon: Penelope, Deathtrap, and hopefully Cyrano de Bergerac.

And a hearty congratulations to Nate and Melissa (my cousin and her new hubby) who were married today.


Jess said...

Yeah... I didn't really care for Spiderwick. Not one I really care to see again - sorry Brad.

Maren said...

I've been curious about the Spiderwick Chronicles. Thanks for the rundown. I can't wait to hear about Penelope. Did you get grossed out by the nose? I just don't know if I could get over that.

And congrats to Jess and hope you guys have a great summer!

Darin said...

Congrats to jess on graduating! What a nice thing to be finished! I want to know what is next on her plate of things to do? Maybe I'll hear when she responds to her tagg challenge.

Jen Bowen said...

It was fun seeing you at the reception. I'm glad you and Jess could make it.

Derrick and I went and saw Spiderwick about 2 weeks ago. It was entertaining but would have freaked me out when I was little.